
Get Involved

We all have special gifts, and Saint John’s encourages our sharing them with the church community and the greater community. Volunteers are needed for all these activities. Learn more about them by emailing .

Lectionary Reflection and Book Discussions

How do our Sunday readings, written so long ago, relate to us as individuals and a faith community? At weekly Lectionary Reflection meetings on Zoom, Reverend Diane Wong takes a deep dive into these Old and New Testament texts and invites us to see how they speak to our daily living.

We have also hosted various book discussions in recent years, with works chosen for their social importance as well as those aimed towards spiritual growth. Recent selections include: White Fragility, Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion, Living Buddha, Living Christ and Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously but not Literally.

Environment and Creation Care

Over the last few years St. John's has made a conscious effort to be good stewards of God's gift of creation by taking a number of steps in how our parish operates. Inspired by reading Saying Yes to Life, by Ruth Valerio, we have begun finding new ways to practice this stewardship as a parish, in the Arlington community and in our personal lives. Our church garden is full of native plants and part of the Mystic Charles Pollinator Pathways.

Prayer Team

Saint John’s Prayer Team meets monthly. The team accepts requests for prayers, all of which are strictly confidential. Contact the church to submit prayer requests.

Food Ministries

Saint John’s raises money and collects food donations for Arlington EATS Market, a nonprofit that collects and distributes food. For the Somerville Homeless Coalition, a Saint John’s team provides meals on the fifth Monday of every month and helps collect personal care items. Our members are also active in Neighbors Eating All Together dinners.

Refugee and Immigration Ministries

Saint John's is actively working with other groups in Arlington and surrounding communities to create a circle of care for a young family that has fled the war in Ukraine. We help them run errands, practice English, and find employment. To volunteer or learn more about the Ukrainian resettlement project, email . We are accepting contributions for this mission. See Ways to Give.

Saint John's supports ESL Classes in Roslindale under the direction of ABCD. Examples of this support include helping students improve English-language skills by practicing mock job interviews and sharing art projects.

Liturgical Ministries

There are may ways to deepen participation in our worship, including as a lector, crucifer, usher, Lay Eucharistic Minister, or member of the choir or Altar Guild.

Lay Leadership

We offer various opportunities to serve, including as a Vestry member, Treasurer, representative to the Alewife Deanery, and Diocesan Convention delegate.



Special Announcements

For additional opportunities to worship and serve, see Special Announcements.